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Astrakhanskoe Khante

15世纪中叶蒙古封建主建立的国家。原为金帐汗国属地。约于1459年独立。定都于阿斯特拉罕城,疆域包括伏尔加河下游及南高加索草原地带,北邻喀山汗国,西接克里木汗国,东与诺盖汗国为界。居民主要从事牧业、渔业,农业也占有一定的比例。手工业较发达,毛皮、制革等享有盛名。地处交通枢纽,通过陆路和水路可联接高加索、黑海与里海,内外贸易颇为发达。汗国先后依附于诺盖汗国和克里木汗国 。1554 年伊凡四世派3万俄军进攻阿斯特拉罕汗国 ,推翻了雅姆古尔切伊汗,扶持捷尔维什·阿里上台,汗国变为俄国的属国。1556年伊凡四世派兵驱逐阿里汗,正式吞并阿斯特拉罕汗国。







先选一部分 看你感兴趣不?如果觉得有用 我再给你 英文名称: Accordion stitch

中文名称: 单面提花组织

英文名称: Allemande

中文名称: 阿勒芒德灯芯绸[变化斜纹组织,法国制]

英文名称: Armure

中文名称: 1.小卵石纹薄呢2.小卵石纹组织

英文名称: Armure weave

中文名称: 小卵石纹组织,花岗石纹组织

英文名称: Army oxford

中文名称: 军用牛津布[双经双纬平纹组织衬衫料]

英文名称: Art weave

中文名称: 艺术花纹[菱形几何图案组织]

英文名称: Artillery twill

中文名称: 1.斜纹马裤呢2.三上一下63°急斜纹(组织)

英文名称: Astrakan

中文名称: 经缎毛圈组织

英文名称: Astrakhan(=astrachan)

中文名称: 1.仿羔皮织物2.俄国羔皮,卷毛羔皮3.经缎毛圈组织

英文名称: Atlas

中文名称: 1.缎纹织物[八枚或五枚]2.经编缎纹组织

英文名称: Atlas milanese

中文名称: 米兰尼斯经缎组织

英文名称: Atlas net

中文名称: 经缎网眼组织

英文名称: Atlas tricot

中文名称: 经编缎纹织物,特利考经缎组织

英文名称: Barathea

中文名称: 1.巴拉西厄毛葛[丝经毛纬,卵石纹组织]2.巴拉西厄军服呢或礼服呢[精纺方平斜纹组织]

英文名称: Barrege

中文名称: 丝毛纱罗[丝经毛纬,纱罗组织]

英文名称: Basket

中文名称: 席纹,方平组织

英文名称: Basket cloth

中文名称: 方平组织棉布,绣花(用)十字布

英文名称: Basket fabric


红色 red

朱红 vermeil; vermilion; ponceau

粉红 pink; soft red; rose bloom

梅红 plum;crimson;fuchsia red

玫瑰红 rose madder; rose

桃红 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose

樱桃红 cherry; cerise

石榴红 garnet

枣红 purplish red; jujube red; date red

桔红 reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth; salmon pink; salmon

莲红 lotus red

浅莲红 fuchsia pink

豉豆红 bean red

辣椒红 capsicum red

高粱红 Kaoliang red

芙蓉红 hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy

胭脂红 rogue red ; carmine; cochineal; lake

鲑鱼红 salmon

玳瑁红 hawksbill turtle red

海螺红 cadmium orange

宝石红 ruby red

玛瑙红 agate red

珊瑚红 coral

金红 bronze red

铁红 iron oxide red

铁锈红 rust red

镉红 cadmium red

铬红 chrome red

砖红 brick red

土红 laterite; reddle

郎窑红 lang-kiln red

均红 Jun-kiln red

釉底红 underglaze red

威尼斯红 Venetian red

法国红 French vermilion

茜红 alizarin red; madder red

洋红 carmine; magenta 这行业的专业术语比较多,只能靠记忆了


靛蓝青年布 indigao chambray

粒粒绒布 pellet fleecet velvet

鱼网布 fleece


astrakhan region

The Silk Road, or Silk Route, is an interconnected series of trade routes through various regions of the Asian continent mainly connecting Chang'an (today's Xi'an) in China, with Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. It extends over 8,000 km (5,000 miles) on land and sea.

Trade on the Silk Route was a significant factor in the development of the great civilizations of China, ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, India and Rome, and helped to lay the foundations for the modern world.

Silk road is a translation from the German Seidenstraße. The first person who used the term was the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen in 1877.

[edit] Routes

As it extends westwards from the commercial centers of North China, the continental Silk Road divides into north and south routes to avoid the Tibetan Plateau:

The northern route passes through the Bulgar–Kypchak region. It travels northwest through the Chinese province of Gansu, and splits into three further routes, two of them passing north and south of the Taklamakan desert to rejoin at Kashgar; and the other going north of the Tien Shan mountains through Turfan and Almaty. All of these routes cross high mountain passes to join up at Kokand in the Fergana Valley, and the roads continue west across the Karakum Desert towards Merv, joining the southern route briefly.

One route turns northwest along the Amu Darya (river) to the Aral Sea, through ancient civilizations under the present site of Astrakhan, and on to the Crimean peninsula. From there it crosses the Black Sea, Marmara Sea and the Balkans to Venice, another crosses the Caspian Sea and across the Caucasus to the Black Sea in Georgia, thence to Constantinople.

The southern route is mainly a single route running through northern India, then the Turkestan–Khorasan region into Mesopotamia and Anatolia; having southward spurs enabling the journey to be completed by sea from various points. It runs south through the Sichuan Basin in China and crosses the high mountains into northeast India, probably via the Ancient tea route. It then travels west along the Brahmaputra and Ganges river plains, possibly joining the Grand Trunk Road west of Varanasi. It runs through northern Pakistan and over the Hindu Kush mountains to rejoin the northern route briefly near Merv.

It then follows an almost straight line west through mountainous northern Iran and the northern tip of the Syrian Desert to the Levant. From there Mediterranean trading ships plied regular routes to Italy, and land routes went either north through Anatolia or south to North Africa.

[edit] Railway

The last missing link on the Silk Road was completed in 1994, when the international railway between Almaty and Urumqi opened.

[edit] Sea

The Silk Road on the Sea extends from South China, to present-day Philippines, Brunei, Siam, Malacca, Ceylon, India, Pakistan, and Iran.

In Europe it extends from Israel, Lebanon, Egypt and Italy in the Mediterranean Sea, to Portugal and Sweden.

On August 7, 2005 it was reported that the Antiquity and Monument Office of Hong Kong was planning to propose the Silk Road on the Sea as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

[edit] Origins

[edit] Cross-continental journeys

As the domestication of efficient pack animals and the development of shipping technology both increased the capacity for prehistoric peoples to carry heavier loads over greater distances, cultural exchanges and trade developed rapidly.

In addition, grassland provides fertile grazing, water, and easy passage for caravans. The vast grassland steppes of Asia enabled merchants to travel immense distances, from the shores of the Pacific to Africa and deep into Europe, without trespassing on agricultural lands and arousing hostility.

[edit] Evidence for ancient transport and trade routes

The ancient peoples of the Sahara imported domesticated animals from Asia between 7500 and 4000 BC.

Foreign artifacts dating to the 5th millennium BC in the Badarian culture of Egypt indicate contact with distant Syria [1].

In predynastic Egypt, by the 4th millennium BC shipping was well established, and the donkey and possibly the dromedary had been domesticated. Domestication of the Bactrian camel and use of the horse for transport then followed (see Domestication of the horse).

Also by the beginning of the 4th millennium BC, ancient Egyptians in Maadi were importing pottery [2] as well as construction ideas from Canaan.

By the second half of the 4th millennium BC, the gemstone Lapis lazuli was being traded from its only known source in the ancient world — Badakshan, in what is now northeastern Afghanistan — as far as Mesopotamia and Egypt. By the third millennium BC the lapis lazuli trade was extended to Harappa and Mohenjo-daro in the Indus valley, the present day Pakistan.

Routes along the Persian Royal Road (constructed in the 5th century BC) may have been in use as early as 3500 BC. Charcoal samples found in the tombs of Nekhen, which were dated to the Naqada I and II periods, have been identified as cedar from Lebanon.

In 1994 excavators discovered an incised ceramic shard with the serekh sign of Narmer, dating to circa 3000 BC. Mineralogical studies reveal the shard to be a fragment of a wine jar exported from the Nile valley to Israel (see Narmer).

The ancient harbor constructed in Lothal, India, may be the oldest sea-faring harbor known.



have a good day
































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