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legohouse,lego house音乐歌词

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legohouse,lego house音乐歌词


Lego House (Subscape Remix) 歌词

lego house音乐歌词

Lego House (Acoustic) 歌词

Lego House is a real-life building made entirely out of Lego bricks, located in Billund, Denmark. It was designed by Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) and opened to the public in 2017. The building serves as a visitor center for the Lego Group, and includes a Lego store, cafe, and exhibition space. The Lego House is composed of 21 white bricks stacked on top of each other, with each brick representing a different exhibition area. The building also features a rooftop terrace, where visitors can enjoy views of the surrounding area."

Lego House (Subscape Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Lego House (Subscape Remix)

歌手:Ed Sheeran

专辑:Lego House

Lego House

Ed Sheeran

Im gonna pick up the pieces,

and build a lego house

when things go wrong we can knock it down

My three words have two meanings,

theres one thing on my mind

Its all for you


And its dark in a cold December

but Ive got ya to keep me warm

and if youre broke Ill mend ya

and keep you sheltered from the storm thats raging on

Im out of touch, Im out of love

Ill pick you up when youre getting down

and of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im out of sight, Im out of mind

Ill do it all for you in time

And of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im gonna paint you by numbers

and colour you in

if things go right we can frame it

and put you on a wall

And its so hard to say it but Ive been here before

now Ill surrender up my heart

and swap it for yours

Im out of touch, Im out of love

Ill pick you up when youre getting down

and of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im out of sight, Im out of mind

Ill do it all for you in time

And of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Dont hold me down

I think my braces are breaking

and its more than I can take

And if its dark in a cold December

Ive got ya to keep me warm

and if youre broke Ill mend ya

and keep you sheltered from the storm thats raging on

Im out of touch, Im out of love

Ill pick you up when youre getting down

and of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im out of sight, Im out of mind

Ill do it all for you in time

And of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im out of touch, Im out of love

Ill pick you up when youre getting down

and of all these things Ive done

I will love you better now

lego house音乐歌词

《LEGO HOUSE 积木房子》 自己做的中文翻译 I'm gonna pick up the pieces, 我将拾起那些碎片 and build a lego house 然后组装一间积木房子 when things go wrong we can knock it down 如果做的不好我们就把它拆毁 My three words have two meanings 我的只言片语有不同含义 there's one thing on my mind 我的脑海中有一件事 It's all for you 那全是为了你 And it's dark in a cold December, 寒冷的十二月天气灰暗 but I've got ya to keep me warm 但是我有你为我取暖 and if you're broke I'll mend ya 我会在你破碎时修复你 and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on 在愤怒癫狂的暴风雨中会守护你 I'm out of touch, I'm out of love 我和你断了联系 我与你的爱绝缘 I'll pick you up when you're getting down 但是我会在你沮丧时令你找回自己的信心 and of all these things I've done I think I love you better now 而且我做的所有事令我感觉我更爱你 I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind 我不在你视线之内 可我为你神魂颠倒 I'll do it all for you in time 但是我会为你恰到好处的做一切事 And of all these things I've done I think I love you better now 而且我做的所有事令我感觉我更爱你 I'm gonna paint you by numbers 我几次将你画成画 and colour you in 然后为你上色 if things go right we can frame it, 如果画得好我们就能装裱它 and put you on a wall 然后把它挂到一面墙上 And it's so hard to say it but I've been here before 难以说出口的是我早已经在这儿了 and I'll surrender up my heart 我会向你投降,交给你我的心 and swap it for yours 然后把它的位置换成你的 I'm out of touch, I'm out of love 我和你断了联系 我与你的爱绝缘 I'll pick you up when you're getting down 但是我会在你沮丧时令你找回自己的信心 and of all these things I've done I think I love you better now 而且我做的所有事令我感觉我更爱你 I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind 我不在你视线之内 可我为你神魂颠倒 I'll do it all for you in time 但是我会为你恰到好处的做一切事 And of all these things I've done I think I love you better now 而且我做的所有事令我感觉我更爱你 Don't hold me down 不要抑制我的热情 I think my braces are breaking and it's more than I can take 如果那样做我的支柱会崩溃,而那是我所不能承受的 And it's dark in a cold December, 寒冷的十二月天气灰暗 but I've got ya to keep me warm 但是我有你为我取暖 and if you're broke I'll mend ya 我会在你破碎时修复你 and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on 在愤怒癫狂的暴风雨中会守护你 I'm out of touch, I'm out of love 我和你断了联系 我与你的爱绝缘 I'll pick you up when you're getting down 但是我会在你沮丧时令你找回自己的信心 and of all these things I've done I think I love you better now 而且我做的所有事令我感觉我更爱你 I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind 我不在你视线之内 可我为你神魂颠倒 I'll do it all for you in time 但是我会为你恰到好处的做一切事 And of all these things I've done I think I love you better now 而且我做的所有事令我感觉我更爱你 END 翻译不得当的地方多多见谅TAT

Lego House (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Lego House (Acoustic)

歌手:Ed Sheeran

专辑:Lego House

Lego House

Ed Sheeran

Im gonna pick up the pieces,

and build a lego house

when things go wrong we can knock it down

My three words have two meanings,

theres one thing on my mind

Its all for you


And its dark in a cold December

but Ive got ya to keep me warm

and if youre broke Ill mend ya

and keep you sheltered from the storm thats raging on

Im out of touch, Im out of love

Ill pick you up when youre getting down

and of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im out of sight, Im out of mind

Ill do it all for you in time

And of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im gonna paint you by numbers

and colour you in

if things go right we can frame it

and put you on a wall

And its so hard to say it but Ive been here before

now Ill surrender up my heart

and swap it for yours

Im out of touch, Im out of love

Ill pick you up when youre getting down

and of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im out of sight, Im out of mind

Ill do it all for you in time

And of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Dont hold me down

I think my braces are breaking

and its more than I can take

And if its dark in a cold December

Ive got ya to keep me warm

and if youre broke Ill mend ya

and keep you sheltered from the storm thats raging on

Im out of touch, Im out of love

Ill pick you up when youre getting down

and of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im out of sight, Im out of mind

Ill do it all for you in time

And of all these things Ive done

I think I love you better now

Im out of touch, Im out of love

Ill pick you up when youre getting down

and of all these things Ive done

I will love you better now


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