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chinatour(Beijing tours)


go around China

Travel Around China


三个都是游遍中国的意思,用法不同!楼主可以自行选择 ,谢谢 travel all around China



* 谷歌地图、谷歌导航、谷歌翻译、出国翻译官:这些谷歌旗下的产品和服务可以帮助游客获取地理位置、导航、翻译等方面的信息。

* China tour、beijing tour、China tourguide:这些专门的旅游网站提供中国各地的旅游信息,包括景点介绍、路线规划、游记心得等。

此外,外国游客也可以通过搜索引擎(如百度、谷歌等)查询各类旅游信息。在使用这些软件和网站时,建议游客多关注用户评价和评分,选择信誉良好的服务商,并注意个人安全和隐私保护。 会在谷歌上直接搜比如China tour,beijing tour,China tourguide 等等之类的关键字,然后就会搜到很多提供中国旅游服务的网站,具体细节一般通过邮件联系。

Google(中文名:谷歌),是一家美国的跨国科技企业,致力于互联网搜索、云计算、广告技术等领域,开发并提供大量基于互联网的产品与服务,其主要利润来自于AdWords等广告服务。Google由当时在斯坦福大学攻读理工博士的拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布卢姆共同创建,因此两人也被称为“Google Guys”。

Beijing tours

Qinhuangdao is a beautiful coastal city known for its freezing-free nice port, historical town of Shanhaiguan and summer resort Beidaihe. Located in the northeast of Hebei Province with Bohai Sea on the south, Mt. Yanshan on the north, Liaoning Province on the east and Beijing and Tianjin to the west, Qinhuangdao joins Northeast China and North China as a transportation connection in the middle of Round Bohai Sea Economic Rim. Qinhuangdao covers a total area of 7812.4 square kilometers and has a population of 2.73 million.

Qinhuangdao enjoys sufficient transportation. State highways No. 102 and No. 205 and railways of Beijing-Shenyang, Beijing-Qinhuangdao, Datong-Qinhuangdao and Qinhuangdao-Shenyang express railway join in the city. The Beijing-Qinhuangdao expressway shortens the trip to Beijing to only 2 hours. Shanhaiguan Airport has flights to Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and some other big cities. Passenger ship liners are in service from Qinhuangdao to Dalian, Yantai and Inchon of Korea. The developed transport network makes tours simple and easy in Qinhuangdao.

Qinhuangdao is building itself as a Great Wall seaside park to become a city strong in tourism. A pearl shining gloriously at Bohai Sea coast, Qinhuangdao will offer its visitors more splendid tours and wonderful holidays.


I’m from a village near the mountain. It is a beautiful place. The mountain is always green the all year. The air is very fresh and the water in the river is very clean. If you are lucky you can see some fish in the river. There are a lot of trees along the river, when spring comes, the trees turn green, they grow very fast, so when it is summer, you can see a green Great Wall along the river. There are many beautiful birds in the trees. They live and sing in the trees. In summer you can see fields of green crops and vegetable flowers. In autumn , you can see many fruits in the mountain. It is a white world in winter. The four seasons are four pictures . I love my hometown! Shenzhen is in the south of China,it is a young and beautiful city.There are lots of people from all over the world visit here every year.

Why Shenzhen is so famous?Because it is not only well known by the name of "the window of the world",but also many scenic spots there,such as,the Splendid China,Happy Valley,the China Folk Culture Village.

In a word,it is really a worthwhile trip to visit Shenzhen,and I wish you a happy travel!

magnificent China tour

May 4th Squares are located in the southen part of Hong Kong Road and Donghai Road. The total area occupied is 100,000 square meters. It acquires fame in commemoration of the blasting fuse of "May 4th movements" in Qingdao. There are the broad lawn and scenic forest in the square. The sculpture with the main theme of "May wind" by the spiral rise wind model and the fiery red color fully manifested the anti-imperialism movements and anti-feudalism patriotism key spirits and soaring national strength. The work and the south side of the square facing the sea and the garden area formed a comfortable and serene atmosphere, forming a grand landscape. There is a large-scale eruptive fountain in Fushan bay in the south of the square. It is 60 meters away from the shore. The blowout water column reaches 100 meters high providing a magnificent look. It is the highest eruptive fountain in the country. The area around the square is Qingdao's new politics, economy, finance and cultural centre. There are finance and insurance building, commercial trade centre, recreation center, business and living dual-purpose office building, high-class apartment, villa and coastal landscape belt with botanical garden and modern sculpture as the main characteristics. www.chinatourchina.com

Name:Qingdao May 4th Square (Wusi Guangchang)


Address:Eastern Qingdao

May 4th Square

35 DongHai West Rd.

ShiNan District > Fushan Bay Area (Central Qingdao)

Qingdao, Shandong Province. P.R. China

五四广场, 东海西路35号, 中国山东省青岛市

Hours: 24

Admission fee: Free


The May 4th Square got its name in memory of the May 4th Movement. Located between the new municipal government building and FuShan bay, it is composed of the ShiZhengTing Square, the central square and the coastal park. These three parts have their own features and the whole square is a combination of local Qingdao features and modern design.

The May 4th Square (Wusi GuangChang) got its name in memory of the May 4th Movement. Located between the new municipal government building and the bay, it is composed of the Shizhengting Square, the central square and the coastal park. These three parts have their own features and the whole square is a combination of local Qingdao features and modern design. 青岛五四广场英文介绍

May Fourth Square (Wusi Guangchang) is a large public square in Qingdao's central business district. It is located between the new municipal government building and Fushan Bay and is composed of Shizhengting Square, the central square and the coastal park. Named after the nationwide protest May Fourth Movement that started in Qingdao, the square is best recognized by the large "May Wind" (Wuyue Feng) sculpture near the seaside. The square is a popular tourist destination, and is bordered by the city government to the north, the sea to the south, and residential and commercial buildings on either side. On pleasant days May Fourth Square fills with young couples on the ground and kites in the air.


我已经理解了 "travel" 和 "journey" 这对词的不同之处。"travel" 通常指的是从一个地方到另一个地方的广义过程。而 "journey" 通常指的是从一个地方到另一个地方的具体行程。为了让大家快速掌握这对相似词的特征,我简洁地归纳了它们的含义、发音和用法,希望可以作为大家初步认识这对词汇的参考。这是一个逐步去深入理解的过程。

接下来让我们看下"travel" 和 "journey"的其他区别:


"travel" 的使用频率更高,可以描述任何类型的移动,不论距离远近。例句:"I travel to work by bus."(我乘公车上班。)

"journey" 在日常英语中使用较少,通常用于更正式或文学的语境中,或者描述较长的旅程。例句:"The journey from New York to Los Angeles takes about six hours by plane."(从纽约飞到洛杉矶大约需要六个小时。)


"travel" 更侧重于行动本身,即旅行这个行为。例句:"I plan to travel around Europe next year."(我计划明年去欧洲旅行。)

"journey" 更侧重于旅程本身,包括旅行的过程和体验。例句:"The journey across the desert was difficult but rewarding."(穿越沙漠的旅程困难但充满回报。) "Travel"是一个广泛的词,用来表示离开一个地方前往另一个地方。它通常指的是在不同地点之间的移动,而"Journey"更加强调整个旅程的经历和过程。它通常指的是一段较长的旅行,具有冒险、挑战或重大意义。"Journey"强调旅行者在旅途中的成长、发现和经历,包括旅行中的各种经历和情感上的变化。



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